Silo-busting Clinical and Financial Teams for Success is proudly presented to you by National Association for Home Care & Hospice. Thank you. We hope that you enjoy your course.
In the era of PDGM and managed care, agencies must identify all the ways to deliver care that produce the best outcomes in the most financially efficient way. This session looks at how clinical and financial staff can work together to share information and ideas about how to best serve patients and reduce direct and indirect costs. Agencies need to look at everything from using therapy assistants and aides to assist in providing care to understanding utilization patterns that produce optimal outcomes.
Learning Objectives:
•Identify concrete ways clinical and financial teams can have productive discussions
•Explain ideas agencies have identified, such as the use of therapy assistants and aides, to provide care that is cost-effective and produces great outcomes for patients
•Use reports and tools to help financial and clinical teams communicate effectively
Joe Culcutt
Summer Napier
Tony Hamric