Latest Legal Developments Impacting Private Duty Care is proudly presented to you by National Association for Home Care & Hospice. Thank you. We hope that you enjoy your course.
Hear a summary of the most significant legal trends and updates impacting your agency in 2022 and strategies for complying with the same. Discussion includes hot button issues related to new federal and state laws that may impact your businesses, regulatory developments from the Department of Labor, EEOC and OSHA that you should be aware of, as well as hit on the CMS vaccine mandate, COVID-19 issues, attacks on restrictive covenants at the federal and state level and how to nevertheless protect your business from clients poaching caregivers along with other important topics. Most importantly, receive practical, business-minded strategies for complying with these laws.
Learning Objectives:
- Describe new laws and how they impact agency operations.
- Identify state and federal legislative trends that will affect the industry now and into the future.
- Discuss compliance strategies for effectively responding to these laws and trends and protecting your business.
Angelo Spinola, Esq.