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601. Medicare Advantage Part 2: Operational & Financial Analysis $35.00

601. Medicare Advantage Part 2: Operational & Financial Analysis

601. Medicare Advantage Part 2: Operational & Financial Analysis is proudly presented to you by National Association for Home Care & Hospice. Thank you. We hope that you enjoy your course.


For Home Health organizations when Medicare Advantage contract is executed that is just the beginning as there are many steps involved from intake to billing that need to occur to align the final claim and settlement of value-based performance with the contract’s payment requirements. These steps are not only limited to processes but also reporting, key performance indicators, and financials budgets. This session will prepare an agency to operationalize payer contracts ensuring timely collections, favorable revenue yield, and financial success in value-based contracting.

Learning Objectives:
1. Develop best practices in processes and workflows around Medicare Advantage patients for timely collections.
2. Implement best practice staffing and productivity measures for staff managing Medicare Advantage volumes
3. Use reporting and dashboarding to continually measure success of the Medicare Advantage contract.

Faculty: Glen Tochin, EJ Gagnon, Joe Calcutt, Robert Simione 

Nursing 1.0 Contact Hours awarded.

Nursing Contact Hours for this module will expire on July 23, 2026.

ITEM: #1646301
601. Medicare Advantage Part 2: Operational & Financial Analysis
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