401. Medicare Advantage Part 1: Payor Success & Contracting is proudly presented to you by National Association for Home Care & Hospice. Thank you. We hope that you enjoy your course.
Home Health has seen a dramatic shift in payer mix towards Medicare Advantage. It has become critical to ensure financial success to be able to manage your Medicare Advantage contracts and relationships. This involves an internal evaluation of current revenue and costs and communication of a value proposition to the payer. This session will establish best practices for organizations as they prepare and enter into Medicare Advantage agreements.
Learning Objectives:
1. Perform a “self-assessment” of current revenue and cost to ensure rates and terms will provide the opportunity for financial success.
2. Conduct a value-based contracting assessment of the agency, including readiness and risk level of the population served.
3. Create a value proposition for payers that aligns with their overall goals, fostering a payer-provider partnership.
Faculty: Joe Calcutt, RJ Gagnon, Nick Seabrook
Nursing 1.0 Contact Hours awarded.
Nursing Contact Hours for this module will expire on July 23, 2026.