806. Current Issues and Topics in Medicaid Homecare is proudly presented to you by National Association for Home Care & Hospice. Thank you. We hope that you enjoy your course.
This session will provide a discussion of current Federal actions around Medicaid home care policy, how states are reacting to the new requirements, and what providers can do to prepare. The discussion will include the current status of the Medicaid Access rule and its 80-20 provision, issues in Managed Care, and other key legislative and regulatory issues. Panelists will also discuss actions that providers can take to advocate at the state and federal level to influence the implementation of the various provisions and improve policy.
Learning Objective 1:
Identify key issues in Medicaid that impact home care.
Learning Objective 2:
Expand knowledge of direct effects on individual companies and how to plan for changes.
Learning Objective 3:
Increase ability to advocate for necessary state and federal changes to policy and reimbursement.
Nursing 1.0 Contact Hours awarded.
Nursing Contact Hours for this module will expire on October 22, 2026.