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Create Winning Partnerships with ACOs $0.00
2015 Annual Meeting

Create Winning Partnerships with ACOs

Create Winning Partnerships with ACOs is proudly presented to you by National Association for Home Care & Hospice. Thank you. We hope that you enjoy your course.

We will explore real-world examples of how collaborating with an ACO can lead to better patient care—and to a better bottom line. This session will address the current state of accountable care, perspectives from ACO leadership, and the future of ACOs and home health care. Attendees will leave with an understanding of how to create a powerful value proposition that leads to enduring partnerships with ACOs.


  • Describe the current state of accountable care, including ACO quality and financial performance, bundled payments, new ACO types, and where the ACO model is headed 
  • Discuss the latest perspectives of ACO executives based on data from Darwin’s 2015 ACO Executive Panel. Learn their views on home health care, which disease states they prioritize, ways they control costs, and how they are improving population health
  • Demonstrate how to target, approach, and create a winning value proposition for ACOs

Faculty: Bob Roth, BS, Managing Director and Co-Founder, One on One Home Care Solutions, Managing Partner, Cypress HomeCare Solutions, Phoenix, AZ; John Marchica, BA, MA, MBA, President, Darwin Research Group, Cave Creek, AZ

Continuing education units are not available for this module

Track: Marketing & Business Development

ITEM: #358943
How to Create Winning Partnerships with ACOs
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