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PDGM: Revenue Cycle Management Changes

PDGM: Revenue Cycle Management Changes is proudly presented to you by National Association for Home Care & Hospice. Thank you. We hope that you enjoy your course.

The most significant change in Home care Reimbursement in 20 years will go into effect January 2020. The Patient Driven Groupings Model - PDGM is complicated, confusing and overwhelming. CMS has provided some data on the revenue impacts and new PDGM components, but there is more to be considered. Revenue Cycle, from beginning to end, will require changes to adapt. Preparing now is essential in being prepared for the PDGM onslaught.

Learning Outcomes:

  • Explain how agencies will need to consider process changes in their revenue cycle as a result of PDGM.
  • Identify potential strategies for process revisions and adjustments to achieve a successful revenue cycle transition under PDGM.
  • Create a checklist of things to begin implementing today be to ready for a 2020 implementation.


Aaron Little, CPA

Melinda Gaboury, COS-C



ITEM: #864512
PDGM: Revenue Cycle Management Changes
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